Lime Juice is tasty and once had can’t resist next time. Social Media has gain popularity in the last decade. Starting from yahoo & messenger chat, people experience orkut and then Facebook. And now social media plays a vital role in our personal and professional lives. Like having lime juice daily and gaining lots of benefits, social media is also a need of an hour in today’s life.
People started using social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, linked in , YouTube mainly for the fun purpose or time pass. But eventually it has gained heights in the professional world to be used as a marketing tool too, and its gaining popularity in this digital world. Being a social media strategist & digital media explorer, I believe social media is a boon in this developing world by the technology. We have got social media plugins to enrich the visibility of the products or services we offer to the industry. Social media is not only an advertising tool but its latest technology has expunged the reach barrier too. Now we can effectively search and meet people in different states, countries and anywhere across the globe.
Like lime juice, social media should also be used accurately and in right manner only. If we understand the usage social media just as we do of lime juice, it would never spoil the taste and fun of using it. Don’t you use social media in a proper way? Do you think social media is a boon to us?
Social Media as Lime Juice